Sunday, April 26, 2020

Leaving Mahulbon For Ever !! - Todi Dutt Mazumder

Leaving Mohulbon For Ever!!

Todi Dutt Mazumder, Class XII

I still remember how my grandmother would narrate to me the same story whenever I had trouble falling asleep. I am so familiar with it that I could actually complete her sentences! The story, is a non fictional one. It's about how my grandmother escaped at the time of a communal riot that took place in 1965. She was studying in Class 10 at that time. This story that I'm about to tell you, takes place in an otherwise quiet village called Mohulbon. Grandma had two friends - Rolamir bhai and Kader bhai. They never wanted the Hindu-Muslim riot to take place. Everywhere the Muslims were killing the Hindus and the Hindus were killing the Muslims : the usual scenario of a communal riot. It came to a point where no one was safe. Not even inside their homes. Thus, my grandmother's family was informed about this. At that time my great grandmother's mother was also living with my grandmother and great grandmother. Everyone was hysterical except grandma. On the day of escaping, my grandmother freed her beloved parrot and cow. She was grief stricken but could not realise so in such a commotion. She along with her family went to the nearby electric office to take shelter there for a few days. Those three days were the toughest three days of her life. Later, after getting married, she visited Mohulbon frequently but probably never could feel the same.


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