Article : Pollution - The Silent Killer

Pollution - The Silent Killer

Author : Rohit Sarengi

Image result for air pollution images
Pollution is a major problem that our country faces today. Pollution is everywhere, in the cities as well as in the villages. Vehicles and factories pump poisonous gases into the air. As a result the amount of oxygen in the air gets reduced. People in large cities suffer various diseases. We dump our garbage in the forests; as a result the trees die. The animals and birds have no places to rest and build nests. Their young ones get hurt and die. Industrial wastes and chemicals are dumped into the water of rivers , lakes and seas. The fishes in the river and lake die because of this. Animals drink the polluted water and fall ill and die. The government should punish those who are responsible for this pollution. Only then will matters improve.
I wish we all could live in a pollution free world by joining our hands together to make this possible.

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