Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Nishty And Mandela - A Story by Anubhab Guha(Goddy)

    Image result for Two mice

One day, there was a town mouse. His name was "Nishty". He had a friend, the city mouse. His name was "Mandela". Mandela loved Nishty very much. One day, Nishty and Mandela were going to a shopping mall. Mandela said to Nishty, "Nishty. You must hold my hand and then go to a shopping mall". Suddenly, a wind storm happened. By then Nishty fell down. Mandela remained safe.Then he said to Nishty. "Nishty. I told you to hold my hand and go." So Nishty and Mandela went to a shopping mall. Then they went in a shopping mall , they saw snows coming from the roof. From that day, Nishty and Mandela started living in the shopping mall.

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