Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Fairyland - A Story By Aranya Ghosal(Ruku)

Author: Aranya Ghosal (Ruku)

Image result for fairyland

One day, while coming back from school in a most alarming run, I accidentally tripped on something and fell on the rough pavement. Luckily, all I had were a few scratches and a tiny cut on my knee. The “thing” I had          tripped on was wedged tight under a chunk of rock. I pulled hard, and the thing came into my hand, but all the pulling threw me onto the pavement again. I stood up and brushed all the dust and dirt off me. My “thing” was really just a piece of plastic from any old ordinary tub, but it had a magical touch in it. I wanted to examine the plastic piece closely, so I rushed home.

I pushed the front door so hard after reaching home that my pet dog, Rover, got quite scared. I announced my arrival to mother, who was   cooking lunch. Then, I quickly went upstairs to my room and put my school bag down heavily. Rover followed me. I changed into my regular dress so hurriedly, going here and there, that Rover got quite giddy looking at me. Just as I was going to open my bag to take the plastic piece out, I heard mother coming up the stairs. I quickly and deftly tossed the plastic back into my bag, afraid that she would ask me lots and lots of questions about that plastic. AND she didn’t at all like the idea that I would be carrying a dirty piece of plastic in my bag all over the place!

Mother entered my room carrying my lunch on a tray. I helpfully took the tray from her and carefully set it on the table. Then, I pushed her out of my room saying that I had an important assignment to finish by tomorrow, and  heaved  sigh of relief as she retired to the kitchen. Actually, I didn’t want her to hinder my research.

Rover was still in the room, but I didn’t mind him! I quickly gobbled up my rice with butter chicken, drank all the water and locked the door.

After that, I carefully took the plastic out again, polished it with a cloth, and set it very gently on my study table. I turned my room upside down for a magnifying glass. At last, just as I was about to lose my patience, I found one, hidden in some books in a corner of the room. On finding it, I got very excited. AT LAST! Seeing that, Rover got very excited too, and started jumping around the room like mad. I had to scold him to quieten him. He started whining like anything. I took no notice of him and started on my experiments. For a long time, I eagerly waited for something, anything, to happen. But, nothing happened. I even examined and looked at the plastic from all the different angles I knew of!

Just when I was struggling to keep myself from falling asleep, there was a blinding flash! 

When I opened my eyes, I found that I was no longer in my room, in which the walls were red . And the furniture in my room were at different places. Instead, this was a rainbow-coloured room. Where my study table stood, there were three different beds-a small one, a medium one, and a big one. And where my cosy bed was, there were three tables-a big one, a medium-sized one, and a small one. And where my bookshelf was, there was an even larger bookshelf, arranged neatly with books.

Then, suddenly, the place started looking very familiar. Wait-now come to think about it, it was the same room I had seen in the book, “GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS”! And this was the Three Bears’ room!

I was astounded! I mean-how could it be? There was no explanation! Then   I suddenly remembered. Oh yes- that magical piece of plastic, and that blinding flash of light. I figured out that the plastic had transported me to a land of fairy tales.Then, suddenly, I heard someone coming UP THE STAIRS!

I was terrified! I didn’t know what to do and who was coming up. Perhaps it was the three bears, and they would scold me for getting into the house without their permission. Just then, the door opened. I was so scared that I couldn’t even look! Then I opened my eyes and saw- GOLDILOCKS!

“Goldilocks!” I exclaimed. “Boy, am I glad to see you!” But Goldilocks did not know me. Then I remembered-of course! None of the creatures or people here knew me. I introduced myself as Peter. Goldilocks told me that she wanted a nap after eating Little Bear's famous Just-Right porridge. But I was neither hungry nor sleepy. I wanted to explore.

Author: Aranya Ghosal

  (To Be Continued)

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